Latest The Hub News @ : 20/01/2020 14:21:41
Latest Notices
Monday 20th January 2020 14:21
Brendan Dowling, RIP, retired SAO Lanesborough and Rhode /
It is with sadness that I inform you of the death of Brendan Dowling retired SAO Lanesborough and Rhode Stations. May He Rest in Peace Funeral Arrangements Later
Events & Launches
Trestees present on issues facing MPF fund / Catriona Hurley
The Trustees of the Medical Providend Fund will be in ESB Gateway 2 on Thursday 23rd January 2020, where they will deliver a presentation to MPF members on issues facing the fund. This presentation will take place in the Conference Room (ground floor) Gateway 2 on Thursday 23rd January 2020 at 9am. The presentation will take approximately 30 minutes followed by a Q & A session. Refreshments will be provided afterwards. This is an opportunity for the Trustees to meet with members, and also for members to give their views on the fund. While anyone who wishes to attend is welcome, in order to ensure adequate room for all attendees it is necessary to confirm your attendance by Tuesday 21st January 2020 by emailing Catriona Hurley.