
Latest ESBHub News @ : 09/05/2019 14:21:57

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Latest Notices
Thursday 9th May 2019 14:21

People Leaving

Retirement of John Casey, HV Stations Project Leader, Limerick / Melissa Butler, Michael McElligot or Alan Rossiter
After nearly 40 years of dedicated service, John has decided to retire from ESB and pursue his many family, sporting, and agricultural interests.
Throughout his long and distinguished career in ESB, John has worked in many roles and locations across ESB.
Johns first assignments were as an engineer on the construction of the Dunstown – Moneypoint & Moneypoint – Woodland 400 kV lines, where he developed his passion for engineering excellence.
Since his early days negotiating with fellow landowners, John has gone on to fulfil various other high profile roles across ESB and ESB International including; System Investigation & Maintenance – ESBI
CSE Ennis / Tipperary
NRP Design Manager
HV Stations Project Leader

In recent years, John has combined his extensive technical knowledge of the ESB system with his hands-on project management approach – resulting in the successful delivery of many high-profile capital projects.
John is celebrating his retirement, along with family, friends and work colleagues, at Treacys Oakwood Hotel, Shannon on Friday 17th of May. All are welcome to celebrate this historic occasion.
We hope to make a presentation on the night and anyone wishing to be associated should contact one of the following Alan Rossiter
Melissa Butler
Michael McElligot