
Latest ESBNET News @ : 03/04/2017 14:21:48

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Latest Notices
Monday 3rd April 2017 14:21

People Leaving

Peadar’s sun is setting O’er the bright May meadows of Shelmalier / Kevin O’Connor
Peadar DehOra is having his ‘Vinegar Hill’ on 19 May 2017….(that’s enough of the Boolavogue references)
Peadar’s present career in ESB Networks and ESBI is coming to a conclusion in May. His career has ranged from mapping assistant in the old Distribution Department, a diversion in Conflicts/Arbitration ESBI, and finally to drones and composite poles in Asset Management ESB Networks. Peadar has met and made many friends on the way and has always shown his commitment to the job at hand.
Make a note in your diary for 4.30pm Friday 19 May for Peadar’s retirement presentation in the Phase 1 Conference Room Leopardstown. Follow on at the Goat.
If you wish to be associated with Peadar’s retirement presentation please contact one of the following: • Kevin O’Connor, Asset Management, Leopardstown Road Ext, 43526
• Gerry Lawler, Asset Management Services, One Dublin Airport Central, Dublin Airport ESBI, Ext 38377