Latest ESBNET News @ : 20/03/2018 14:19:45
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Tuesday 20th March 2018 14:19
Death of William (Billy) Kershaw R.I.P. ex ESB and father of Liam Kershaw, Procurement , Networks. /
William passed away on Sunday 18th March at the Midland Regional Hospital, Tullamore. He is sadly missed by his wife Patricia, sons Liam and Aidan and daughters Anne and Lynda, daughers-in-law, sons-in-law, grandsons, sisters and brother, nieces and nephews, relavtive and friends.
Reposing at Lawless’s Funeral Home, Mucklagh Village on Wednseday from 4.30pm until 7pm followed by Removal to St. Bridgid’s Church, Mount Bolus arriving at 7.45pm. Requiem Mass on Thursay at 11am. Burial agterwards in Lowertown Cemetery, Mount Bolus. (House strictly private).
Thank you from Dave Byrnes / Dave Byrnes
On behalf of myself and my family I would like to thank everyone who expressed their sympathy following the recent death of my mother Christina (Chris) Byrnes. Some rang, texted, emailed or attended the wake, removal or funeral. Whatever you did it was greatly appreciated and was of great comfort at such a sad time. Many thanks.