
Latest Hub News @ : 07/06/2019 14:21:27

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Friday 7th June 2019 14:21


Equity and Inclusion for Girls in Kenya / ElectricAid
Last year, ElectricAid supported the Kenya Inclusive Quality Education Project (KIQEP) by contributing €11,000 that helped ensure that two of the nine schools (Loya, Lorengippi, Namorputh, Lochor Emeyian, Kabulokor, Nakamaine, Kospir, Kacheimeri, and Logogo) targeted in Turkana County are meeting the UNICEF standards of a child-friendly and gender-sensitive school.
The project helped construct inclusive and girl-friendly WASH facilities and enabled 111 students (54 boys and 57 girls) including 17 with disabilities to enrol in school. As always, big thanks to our ElectricAid members for the generous support and for making this happen. #brighterfuture
For more information click here